
Sexual health issues are considered a taboo topic of discussion among both genders but is more rampant among men. One common sexual disorder in men that is often stigmatized is erectile dysfunction or ED. The truth, however, is that these experiences are not unique, but the stigma in society does not provide an opportunity for most men to open up about their woes. It is, however, important that we all have some knowledge regarding sexual health problems. It is a

Acoustic Wave Therapy is one of the many erectile dysfunction treatment options. The treatment option involves the administration of mechanical vibrations/ shock waves applied directly to the skin to stimulate cell regeneration in the affected area and improve blood flow. Although it is a relatively new treatment option used to treat erectile dysfunction, the practice is not entirely new in the medical field. Shock wave treatment is an age-old practice that has long been used as a natural method to treat

Did you know erectile dysfunction or impotence is a sexual dysfunction affecting at least 1 in every 5 men older than 40 years? Many factors could be attributed to this condition, but sexual incompetence is not and should never be one of them. The possible causes of ED are certain underlying medical conditions such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, and obesity. Another cause we could highlight is an injury to the penis – it may be from previous surgery or damaged nerves. It